At the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC), founded by Johan Schot, he plays an essential role in training policy makers and practitioners. As part of his professorship at the Utrecht University Centre for Global Challenges (UGLOBE), Schot is currently involved in three Teaching activities, namely: Developing dedicated UGLOBE Summer and Winter Schools, Community Engaged Learning (CEL) as well as PhD Supervision. Furthermore, Schot has been involved in designing and re-designing Bachelor and Master programs. 

training practitioners & Policy Makers

In 2016, Johan Schot founded the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC). By means of training, capacity-building and long-term collaboration, TIPC is building a transnational community of practice, consisting of researchers, policymakers and practitioners. Ultimately, through co-creating knowledge and engaging in an interactive process of reflexivity, learning and evaluation, TIPC strives to uncover and utilize the participating organisation’s transformative potential to redirect Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) policy into a more sustainable direction.  

Until now, TIPC partners from countries such as Colombia, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Senegal and South Africa have engaged into TIPC learning and capacity building events, resulting in some 300 policymakers having received training thus far. The TIPC methodology, developed by Schot and his team, is now being implemented in organisatons such as EIT Climate-KIC (European H2020 funding agency) and Vinnova (Swedish national funding agency).

UGLOBE Summer School

The UGLOBE Summer School on Global Transformations, co-developed and lectured by Johan Schot, addresses questions such as:

  • How can systemic drivers of global challenges be identified?
  • What are transformations and how do they come about?
  • How can different forms of experimentation and adaptive learning be used to achieve transformation? 

The programme uses both interdisciplinary theories and insights from practice to equip participants with the skills to critically understand complex global challenges and confront them in practice. Thereby, the UGLOBE Summer School conveys the framework and thinking of the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium (TIPC) and strives to build according capacities. 

The deep transitions lab and community engaged learning

Grounded in academic research, the DT Lab’s learning programme aims to cultivate mutual understanding and build capabilities to guide the practical application of Transformative Investment. It will help build a community of practice of frontrunners in the investment sector and maximise the lab’s transformative potential by mobilising a variety of actors through outreach and engagement.

The four pillars of the learning programme:

  • Online learning hub
  • Open learning series
  • Engaging students
  • Lab partner learning

The online learning hub will provide a platform for sharing resources, tools, case studies, frameworks and training materials. It will share implementation of DT thinking to stretch the transformative potential of investment portfolios, supporting and fostering mutual learning across lab partners. 

The open learning series aims to shift narratives and practises towards a focus on transformation and the SDGs. The DT Lab will utilise this series to build a wider narrative around Transformative Investment.

We’ll help develop the next generation of investors through community-engaged learning for students. A key objective is to engage students with the Deep Transitions Lab through interaction with Bachelor, Master or PhD programmes, as well as professionals, participating in virtual classrooms or on-location sessions at the university. We’ll build on partnerships with research hubs from around the world to ensure reciprocal knowledge transfer between the Global North and Global South. The programme will explore the embedding of DT thinking and learning in a variety of ways, which could include facilitation in summer schools, education for professionals, guest lectures on existing courses, conference days, utilising PhD networks, or links to degree programmes or projects.​​

For Lab partner learning, the Lab provides learning exchange opportunities for lab partners as part of the general experimentation programme, as well as personalised learning journeys and workshops based on specific partner needs. 


The Utrecht University Centre for Global Challenges wishes to promote interdisciplinary collaboration between Utrecht University researchers, its students, and societal stakeholders from across the globe through Community Engaged Learning (CEL). 

What is Community Engaged Learning?

CEL is experiential education in which students, teachers, and external partners work together on societal challenges. CEL integrates societal engagement with academic study and reflection to enrich and enhance the learning experience and contribute to community needs. 


While in recent years, Professor Johan Schot has initiated numerous large scale interdisciplinary projects, involving vast numbers of senior researchers from across the world, he considers mentoring PhD students as equally crucial – and enjoyable. Throughout his career, Schot has guided a total of 20 PhD students, many of whom he remains to cooperate with closely.

Utrecht University Centre for Global Challenges

Oscar is a Research Assistant at the Utrecht University Centre for Global Challenges. His PhD thesis aims to contribute to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by analysing enablers of synergies across the 17th goals. His work is based on Deep Transition Theory, which studies interrelationships between sociotechnical systems to identify enablers of systemic transformation.

Johan Schot is Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg and Chair of the Advisory Board to the DST/NRF/Newton Fund Trilateral Research Chair in Transformative Innovation, the 4th Industrial Revolution and Sustainable Development. In this role, Johan Schot immerses in capacity building and training sessions with eight PhD students from South Africa, Kenya and the United Kingdom.

University of Johannesburg, College of Business and Education

Amanda-Leigh is a PhD Candidate at the University of Johannesburg, hosted under the DST/NRF/Newton Fund Trilateral Research Chair in Transformative Innovation, the 4th Industrial Revolution and Sustainable Development. Her PhD thesis aims to contribute to knowledge about financing innovation for sustainable transitions and to explore how that knowledge can be utilised in pathway analysis and transformative policymaking.


Yang, Keija, ‘Actor interactions and Transformation: Development of Solar and Wind Power in China post 2000’, graduated November, 2020, SPRU, University of Sussex. 


Kreuter, Judith, ‘Talking Tomorrow’s Technology, Framing Political Choice?’, graduated February, 2020, Technical University of Darmstadt. 


Torrens, Jonas, ‘The formation of favourable environments for urban experimentation: Contextual dynamics and transformative capacities in Bristol and Medellín’, graduated in December, 2018, SPRU, University of Sussex.


Gosh, Bipashyee, ‘Transformations beyond experimentation: Sustainability transitions in megacities’, graduated in September, 2018, SPRU, University of Sussex.


Khakasa Onsongo, Elsie, ‘Inclusive Innovation and Institutional Change’, graduated July,  2016, Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena.


Popkema, Markus, ‘Tussen Techniek en Planning’, graduated 2014, Eindhoven University of Technology.

Hristov, Ivailo, ‘The Communist Nuclear Era. Bulgarian Atomic Community during the Cold War, 1944-1986, graduated 2014, Eindhoven University of Technology.

Janá, Jíri, ‘European Coast of the Bohemia. Negotiating the Danube-Oder-Elbe Canal in a Troubled Twentieth Century’, graduated December 2012, Eindhoven University of Technology.

Lommers, Suzanne, ‘Europe on Airwaves. Interwar projects for Radio Broadcasting’, graduated May 2012, Eindhoven University of Technology.

Verhees, Bram, ‘Cultural Legitimacy and Innovation Journeys. A New Perspective Applied to British and Dutch Nuclear Power History’, graduated February 2012 Eindhoven University of Technology.


Anastasiadou, Irene, ‘In Search of a Railway Europe. Transnational Railway Developments in Interwar Europe’, graduated January, 2009, Eindhoven University of Technology.

Schipper, Frank, ‘Driving Europe. Building Europe on Roads in the Twentieth Century’, graduated September, 2008, Eindhoven University of Technology.

Lagendijk, Vincent, ‘Electrifying Europe. The power of Europe in the Development of Electricity Networks’, graduated September, 2008, Eindhoven University of Technology.

Schueler, Judith, ‘Materialising Identity. The Co-construction of the Gotthard railway and Swiss National Identity’, graduated May, 2008, Eindhoven University of Technology.

Buiter, Hans, ‘Techniek op straat. De wisselwerking tussen de technologie en de architectuur en het gebruik van de openbare ruimte in vier Nederlandse steden – 1860-1980’ (Technology on the street. A history of the use of public space in four Dutch cities), graduated October, 2005, Eindhoven University of Technology.

Raven, Rob, ‘Strategic Niche Management for Biomass’, graduated June, 2005, Eindhoven University of Technology.

Rooij, Arjan van, ‘Building Plants: Markets for Technology and Internal Capabilities in DSM’s Fertiliser Business; 1925-1970’, graduated May, 2004, Eindhoven University of Technology.

Staal, Peter-Eloy, ‘Automobilisme in Nederland: een geschiedenis van gebruik, misbruik en nut’ (The car in Dutch society), graduated April, 2003, Eindhoven University of Technology.

Geels, Frank, ‘Understanding the Dynamics of Technological Transitions: A Co-evolutionary and Socio-technical Analysis’, graduated November, 2002, University of Twente.

Hoogma, Remco, ‘Exploiting Technological Niches. Strategies for Experimental Introduction of Electric Vehicles’, graduated May, 2000, University of Twente.

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