Funding the future: where next? 

Where next? How might we support the emergence of a system of finance that is up to the task of transforming other core societal systems, and creating the new ones we urgently need? We will hear from: Philip Essl, Big Society Capital (UK); Dr. Johan Schot, Deep Transitions Project, Utrecht University Centre for Global Challenges (NL); Steve Waddell, Bounce Beyond and Catalyst 2030 (US), Cassie Robinson, Funding Strategy & Innovation Advisor (UK); Joe Nelson, Sealaska (AK) and Derek Bardowell, Ten Years’ Time (UK).

In this talk, Johan takes a deep dive into how to finance whole system change with system-shifting investors who are creating the new approaches to finance transition. This talk was part of the Learning Festival 2022: Making the System Shift, which took place on December 1st 2022, from 16:45-17:45. 

For more information, please have a look at the programme: 

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