Transformative Investment in Sustainability: An Investment Philosophy for the Second Deep Transition (2022)
This Philosophy is a deep dive into the theoretical backbone, process and impact of transformative investment. It provides a comprehensive guide to Deep Transitions thinking and the opportuni- ties, challenges and implications of applying transformative investment in practice. The shorter Quick Guide is for developing an initial understanding of the Deep Transitions framework and the 12 transformative investment principles in particular.
The Transformative Investment Philosophy, encapsulated in the 12 transformative investment principles, provides a framework for guiding thought and action in the investment community and broader society. Yet they are not an end point; they are a beginning. The 12 principles for transformative investment aid investors in their role of accelerating a Second Deep Transition via multi-level systems change. The principles are designed to catalyse fresh thinking; assist with investment goal setting, strategy and process development; and accelerate the broader take-up and application of Deep Transitions thinking.