With co-athors, Dr. Matias Ramirez, Profesor Alejandra Boni, Professor Fred Steward, Professor Johan Schot has released a Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium Research Brief (2018-01) outlining how the Sustainable Development Goals need a new whole system, STI approach which is embedded in Transformative Innovation Policy to ensure Agenda 2030 is met. The Research Brief addresses:

  • Fundamental change is needed but, two key questions remain: what is meant by fundamental change or transformation, and how do we achieve it?
  • A Transformative Innovation Policy approach offers potentially game-changing opportunities in the definition of a national implementation strategy for Agenda 2030.
  • If STI can be positioned as one of the key success factors, a relevant question to ask is whether current STI policy is fit for purpose? Can it indeed address all SDGs and be a force for transforming the world?
  • To create STI policy, that responds better to social and environmental needs and becomes transformative, both on the national and regional level, STI policy needs to change focus and acquire new characteristics.

Professor Schot said:

“SDGs are the ‘talk of the town’. That is important because they represent a new way of thinking about development and, in fact, transformation. Innovation policy can  make an important contribution but only when we rethink our innovation concept. This brief explores new ways of thinking about the relationships between SDGs, transformation and innovation policy.”



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