SPRU Director, Johan Schot was interviewed by Research Fortnight’s Anna McKie as part of the 50th Anniversary Conference. Up for discussion were Brexit, the significance of SPRU’s 50 years, its amazing global alumni network and Schot’s new global research project – the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium.
Home Media
Focused on bridging the science-policy gap and an expert in topics such as Sustainability Transitions, the history of technology and the making and breaking of the European Union, Johan Schot is frequently featured in mainstream media.
Press kit
This kit contains a number of biographies and portraits as well as latest Press Releases on Johan Schot’s work.
media Contact

For communications and media inquiries on Johan Schot please contact:
- n.wunderlich@uu.nl
- +31 (0) 6 83 67 25 48
Hoe zijn de klimaatcrisis, het biodiversiteitsverlies en de ongelijkheid in de wereld aan te pakken? Volgens hoogleraar Johan Schot van de Universiteit Utrecht is het antwoord op die vraag simpel: door te beleggen. Investeringen komen nu nog te vaak vervuilende industrieën ten goede.
Johan Schot describes himself as a time traveller. The Dutch academic studies the past to understand the nature of radical change. He then applies this theory to the future, imagining more sustainable living and how to make it happen. That includes the roles investors might play.
Professor de História Global e Transições de Sustentabilidade na Universidade de Utrecht participa de Semana do Ambiente na Rio+30, que marca as três décadas da realização da Rio-92.
‘We leven nu in een tijd waarin het noodzakelijk is dat historici juist bijdragen aan het vormen van de maatschappij’ meent de historicus Johan Schot. Schot is als onderzoeker vooral actief op het gebied van technologische ontwikkeling en verduurzaming.
This coincidence of crises marks our era as one of profound change and uncertainty, an era that Johan Schot, Professor of Global History and Sustainability Transitions at Utrecht University, has called an era of deep transition.
De actieonderzoekers van Drift denken hardop na over de toekomst van Nederland. Waar willen we naartoe? En hoe komen we daar? Urgente vragen, zeker in crisistijd, al bieden ze bewust geen pasklare antwoorden.
It is argued that sociotechnical innovations are often contested, and that rival parties apply alternative legal regimes to advance their rights. Fieldwork in Cuddalore, Tamil Nadu suggests that regimes function as arenas for deliberating and battling alternative futures in fishing and mask deep sociolegal divides.
The sentiment that underpinned the Brexit referendum’s success is not limited to the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom’s departure from the European Union is not only a tragedy for its people, but also an existential shock for the EU. The EU is as much an idea as an economic and political union.
In a recent article, I argued that the traditional venture capital model is severely limited in its ability to leverage the power of entrepreneurship to address complex societal challenges. In this follow-up essay, I present the contours of an alternative approach that will serve as the basis for bringing systemic thinking to entrepreneurial finance.
Heeft technologie een eigen wil, waaraan wij nietige mensen zijn overgeleverd? Of hebben wij zelf het stuur in handen? ‘Nieuwe technologie gaat altijd gepaard met keuzes over wat voor een samenleving we willen.’
The Science Policy Research Unit at the University of Sussex is celebrating its 50th anniversary as a
leading centre of research and teaching at the forefront of thinking on science, technology and innovation by hosting a major conference.
Britain’s vote to leave the European Union is jeopardizing scientists’ funds, collaborations, staff and students; it has left the nation reeling and Europe vulnerable. These schismatic times have researchers worldwide soul-searching over how best to contribute. Five experts offer their reflections.
In the story of how energy is made and used to keep a country functioning, you don’t get a starring role. You are the passive receiver and consumer of electricity or gas in a tale dominated by governments, corporations and the media. We put the kettle on, we set the thermostat but we don’t take any heat for shaping or challenging the status quo.