What role for local actors in system change? Fighting climate change in the UK 

Nicky Wunderlich |

Guest Blog, Originally published by Oxfam Blogs, November 29, 2016 Ruth Mayne, Oxfam’s senior researcher on the effectiveness of influencing,...

If Innovation is The Answer, What’s the Question?

Nicky Wunderlich |

Guest Blog By Jon Turney, First published by Future Earth   At a recent conference in the United Kingdom, participants...

A World in Deep Transition Urgently Needs Transformative Innovation Policy, By Johan Schot and Ed Steinmueller

Nicky Wunderlich |

Why transforming innovation is crucial for Brexit Britain and beyond   ‘Brexit means Brexit’ falls short of providing a blueprint...

Social Progress: A Difficult Conversation

Nicky Wunderlich |

We need to talk about Social Progress. We need to understand Social Progress. We need to create Social Progress. No...

Brexit: A Sign of Urgent Need to Rethink Social Progress

Nicky Wunderlich |

Brexit indicates the crucial need for far deeper and wider reflection on our global future. Our world requires an urgent...

People Power in a Transitioning Energy System

Nicky Wunderlich |

In the story of how energy is made and used to keep a country functioning, you don’t get a starring...

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