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This blog provides updates on Johan Schot's research projects, insights into the latest developments and reflections on current affairs. Blog posts are written by Professor Johan Schot and members of his team. To not miss out on the latest entries, you can sign up for our newsletter.
Transform Innovation Policy; Transform Our World? Science, Technology & Innovation as a game-changer for the Sustainable Development Goals
This month blog is by Professor Johan Schot for the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium. Johan Schot | MAY 2018 The...
A New Focus for Science, Technology and Innovation in China by Professor Fred Steward
Fred Steward, Emeritus Professor of Innovation and Sustainability, Policy Studies Institute at the University of Westminster and associate of TIPC, reflects on the...
Innovation and Transformation in China
Following Professor Schot’s Beijing visit for an exploratory workshop, on behalf of the Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium, to look at transformative...
Research and Innovation in a Time of Change
This month’s blog post takes the form of an interview with Professor Schot conducted by the Norwegian publication, Forskningspolitikk. The interviewer...
A Post-plastic Age by Stealth?
In the 1950s plastics were the future. They still are. The 9 million tons produced since the first plastics revolution...
Striking a balance between ‘doing all’ and ‘prohibiting all’ in geoengineering research and governance
Guest blog by Judith Kreuter, Political Science Institute at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany “The governance of emerging technology...
Reflections on why transforming innovation is crucial for Brexit Britain
Article 50 has now been invoked for the UK to leave the EU. The reverberations will shape not only the...
Innovation Policy for the Future
Guest Blog from the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research & Education following Professor Schot’s keynote ‘Research & Policy Agenda...
How the Car Became King in USA
Daily mobility in America is, for the majority, all about the car. Car culture is the culture. Society in the...
What role for local actors in system change? Fighting climate change in the UK
Guest Blog, Originally published by Oxfam Blogs, November 29, 2016 Ruth Mayne, Oxfam’s senior researcher on the effectiveness of influencing,...